Are there any cancers that can be predicted via genetics?

2020-05-02 6:59 am

回答 (5)

2020-05-02 9:42 pm
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Not with absolute certainty, but certain breast cancers run in families, and a gene for them has been identified. You can be tested for it. If you have it, it increases your chances of developing breast cancer, though you will not necessarily do so.

Colon cancer can run in families, though a specific gene has not, so far as I know, been identified. Reseachers are still working on that and other possible cancer genes.
2020-05-02 8:08 am
There are a few cancers that are known to have an increasex risk based on genetics. This is only an increased risk, not a definite.
2020-05-02 7:07 am
I know that there is a rare form of a rare cancer of the neural system and a certain form of breast cancer that are genetic in origin. Genetics may increase your chances of certain cancers but do not guarantee it.

If a close relation of yours had a particular cancer, you should get examined ten years before your relative showed signs.
2020-05-02 7:31 am
Not really.  Very few cancers are ever fully genetic (due entirely to DNA).  Most cancers are a mix of genetic and environmental factors. 

DNA cannot predict what environment one is present in  
2020-05-02 9:30 am
Cancer is body cells. It doesn't care superficial. Sun cancer attacks anybody also.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:12:11
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