how can i get myself motivated in school?

2020-05-02 2:04 am
i am a sophomore in high school and my grades are poor. i want to go into medicine when i grow up, not for money i am just really into it. but i cant seem to motivate me. what do i do?

回答 (2)

2020-05-02 2:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
I would have a serious conversation with yourself if medicine is what you actually want.  I'm the last guy to deny someone their dream, but without the strong desire to  motivate yourself to do all the things needed to accomplish it, than it may not be for you afterall.
2020-05-02 2:12 am
Do school with a friend on face time who can explain things if you need help and make sure you are in a quiet place. Or once corona is over you can get a tutor, because I had a D in math this year and I got a tutor and now I have an A.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:50:41
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