24 years old asymptomatic it is possible ? COVID 19?

2020-05-01 7:38 am
24 years old

no cough, nothing but COVID-19

回答 (2)

2020-05-01 5:26 pm
Of course that is possible. There are asymptomatic cases, especially in younger people like you.

Of course that also means you have zero reason to suspect this is the case, after all you have no symptoms. And if you DO have an asymptomatic case of Covid-19, that is only dangerous to others you might infect, not to yourself.

That's why we have all these lockdowns and social distancing guidelines going on around the globe. Because even people who don't have any symptoms can be contagious. 
2020-05-01 8:51 am
Of course it's possible.

No way to PROVE that without testing, though. 

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:38:17
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