Do you guys think that Trump would've been a better president that Biden?

2020-05-01 6:50 am
Can't get much worse than a sexual assulter! I think even choosing someone a bit wacky like Donald would be a better idea, now Biden is president? What are everyone's opinions, would Trump be better than what we have now?

回答 (5)

2020-05-02 1:59 am
Trump sexually assaulted loads of women and even admitted it. Biden is accused in one case but has denied it. I prefer Biden. 
2020-05-01 6:59 am
"Would be"?!?!?!? Hell, Trump is the best damn president we've had in the last 50 years. Bumbling Biden will destroy everything if he somehow makes it all the way.
2020-05-01 2:32 pm
When you look at the choice of a 244 year old nation you wouldn't expect old rich men and women running it wheres the life of the place all nerds making billions in bedrooms it seems 
2020-05-01 9:24 am
Would've, Biden, have I missed something, ho you mean Clinton.

You think I'm joking, well you wait and see.

You know what they, "If At First You Don't Succeed, Try Try an Try Again"
2020-05-01 7:59 am
Biden has paedophilic tendencies and Trump is an oaf, not much of a choice

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:17:07
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