If I write a note of consent can someone legally eat me?

2020-05-01 6:11 am

回答 (7)

2020-05-01 6:13 am
Here is a comprehensive answer:

“In the United States, there are no laws against cannibalism per se, but most, if not all, states have enacted laws that indirectly make it impossible to legally obtain and consume the body matter. Murder, for instance, is a likely criminal charge, regardless of any consent. Further, even if someone consents to being eaten and kills himself, the cannibal may still be liable for criminal or civil actions based on laws governing the abuse or desecration of a corpse, which vary from state to state.”
2020-05-10 11:58 am
that depends on what you mean by "eat me" ...If I told you to eat me, I do mean with your mouth but not your teeth.  First time you bit down, you would get knocked silly.  

No you can not legally consent to be devoured, even if you were simmered in a crockpot all day and tender enough to fall off the bone.    
2020-05-01 7:54 am
They must 1st produce a nice Chianti and fava beans to eat anyone.
2020-05-01 7:48 am
The note would be considered evidence you are not legally competent to consent to anything.
2020-05-01 7:00 am
This issue arose during the winter episode of the stranded Donner Party. As people neared death from starvation, they religiously and compassionately gave consent to others to engage in cannibalism, after those people passed away. No charges were filed.
2020-05-01 6:12 am
No. Cannibalism is illegal. And you can't write a note consenting for someone else to do something illegal.
2020-05-01 6:18 am
Now that you're alive or after you're dead.

If you are talking about sexually "eating you," are you legal age?

It is unfortunate that you can't understand the answers to all the other times you've asked this.  And, yes, I think it's a mental health issue:  "Does that make me broken or something? Having a fantasy/kink/fetish where I get off to the idea of being digested alive, slowly, and painfully... preferably with a giant human woman, or regular human woman and I'm shrunk. But snake, or snake-women also are a turn on for me... how snakes digest... really get me going but snakes lack the psychological tormenting I want a woman to have as she eats me and as I'm digesting. Which is why snake women are particularly intriguing to me. Obviously this fantasy is just a fantasy and can never be acted out... though I fear if I found out a way to act it out I'd jump on it at the very first chance. The idea of the slow painful death... I just can't even think straight."

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:13:45
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