Does your cat eat fish?

2020-04-30 11:02 pm

回答 (14)

2020-05-01 6:35 am
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yes--one of my cats particularly likes haddock...I have to share...
2020-05-02 12:20 am
Only Sushi. He prefers warm, cooked juicy chicken.
2020-05-02 5:04 pm
No, he's into chicken liver
2020-05-02 10:36 pm
No.  Fish is not a good food for cats.  It can cause all kinds of problems from UTI issues to yellow fat disease.  Tuna is the worse thing you can feed your cat.  Salmon is ok but it should be mixed with chicken or other meat.
2020-04-30 11:22 pm
She does in moderation as a treat of just a teaspoon of canned tuna packed in spring water. A diet high  in fish isn't healthy for cats as it can cause thiamine deficiency.
2020-05-08 10:57 am
Eat too much fishes is not good for cats healthy. especially human processd fishes food.
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2020-05-03 6:51 pm
my cats not eatin raw fish. Very spoil cats hahaha
2020-05-01 1:40 pm
No my cat never eats fish.
2020-05-01 1:17 pm
Now and again,it is not a natural food for a cat.
2020-05-01 1:32 am
2020-04-30 11:31 pm
Of course, good for health
2020-04-30 11:07 pm
Sometimes.  A couple times a week I'll give him some wet food that's mostly tuna.
2020-05-02 8:07 pm
Fish isn’t always an optimal food for cats. When cats eat a diet that consists primarily of raw fish (not commercially prepared foods that contain fish), they are at risk for developing thiamine deficiency. Symptoms include a loss of appetite, seizures, and possibly death.
2020-04-30 11:58 pm
You made me get up and check my house for a cat. I don’t have one.

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