Why don't you visit India this summer?

2020-04-30 2:22 pm

回答 (11)

2020-04-30 3:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. the air space of my country is closed
 2. the air space of India  might be closed as well.
3. I might have other destinations  in mind - first, regardless  of  the covid19  pandemics and related  lockdown or so.
2020-05-01 12:06 am
Because, no matter the circumstances, it's not a place I will ever visit.  I'd love to see the Taj Mahal, but won't tolerate that dirty, smelly, pest-infested, over-crowded place just for that.    
2020-04-30 9:05 pm
I don't need to

Half they're population lives here
2020-04-30 5:28 pm
Because the climate doesn't suit me and I hate crowds.
2020-04-30 3:43 pm
I wouldn't want to spread any infection.... Plus it's sweltering.
2020-05-01 2:19 pm
I don't think the USA is allowing international travel right now. Besides, I wouldn't know a good & safe place to vacation in India.
2020-05-01 8:05 am
Because international travel isn't possible, safe or responsible right now.
2020-04-30 5:27 pm
I dont like India, why you always told people to visit it.
2020-04-30 2:40 pm
Because I can't afford it and, maybe lockdowns are still going around but not quite sure.
I would love to if I could.
2020-04-30 2:29 pm
It would be one of the last on my list, I'm not being rude about it but I just wouldn't go to hot countries being from a cold one. There is no need to go abroad at all, there's nice holidays not far away.
2020-04-30 2:23 pm
No travel allowed because of lockdown.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:49:34
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