does anybody know which lawyer i should talk to?

2020-04-30 3:57 am
these two mean women, didn't have the right to kick me out of a mental health program.ever since they kicked me out of the program my life has been hell.i was a good client and was compliant with the staff,the two women said they kicked me out of the program, because i did not cooperate with the staff. thanks guys.

回答 (2)

2020-04-30 7:09 am
You shouldn't talk to any lawyer YOU didn't hire about this case until advised to do so by the a lawyer you hired.
Actually, you shouldn't talk to a lawyer AT ALL. Another therapist perhaps, but not a lawyer.
2020-04-30 4:34 am
Sorry not really sure with the limited info you provide.

Personal injury atty?  (you will need to show how you were harmed).

Civil rights atty?  (was the dismissal for behvior as they say OR was something like race involved?)

Guess you can start with a personal injurty atty (they usually do free initial consults)... and IF they say your situtation is not a personal injury case, ask them to refer you to the type of atty that covers your situation.  

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:52:02
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