Would Jimmy Carter defeat Reagan today?

2020-04-28 7:42 am

回答 (7)

2020-04-28 7:47 am
Seeing as Reagan is dead, yeah.  
2020-04-28 7:43 am
Well, yeah, since Reagan is dead and Carter isn't.

It's the only way Carter could beat Reagan.
2020-04-28 8:08 am
Jimmy Carter would not even make it through the Democratic party nomination process today.
He was more of a middle right Democrat and their voters seem to not like those qualities.
The Democratic party has move too far left for him to get elected.
2020-04-28 7:49 am
No, he would not.
2020-04-28 7:45 am
Nope ...............He is the second  worst   President 
2020-04-28 7:43 am
Definitely not. 
2020-04-28 7:42 am
Yes, since Reagan is dead.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:52:23
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