Should I move to Louisiana with my boyfriend?

2020-04-27 7:36 am
I just need advice. So I’m from Florida and my boyfriend is from Louisiana and I’m planning to move there and live with him in 3 months. Well, I was talking to my dad about it the other day and he told me that I shouldn’t live there and he told me it’s not a good state but I thought he was just being overprotective. So then I went and did a little research and I found out that Louisiana is the number one worst state to live in especially for women and now I’m really worried. Now I’m kind of having second thoughts about living there and I feel stupid. Am I being overdramatic? Is Louisiana that bad? Does it suck to live there? Please help. Anyone who lives/lived in Louisiana especially in Baton Rouge or the surrounding areas, please feel free to give me your opinions.

回答 (3)

2020-04-27 12:32 pm
I don't know of any rankings of the best or worst state for women. Are they talking about average live spans? That mostly depends on how much you eat and how much you exercise. New Orleans still has a high crime rate, but many people love living there. There's an episode of Somebody Feed Phil filmed there that you could watch. Where in Louisiana does your boyfriend live? You're used to heat and humidity, so that's not much different. Florida had a better education system for a while, but you've got an idiot Governor now who's going to get everybody killed by the COVID virus, so you might as well plan on leaving. 
2020-04-29 12:43 am
Louisiana, like any other place, is as good as you can afford to make it. No place is great if you don't have a meaningful career that pays you enough to live comfortably. But Florida's got its problems too. This move should be made based on the soundness of the relationship rather than the differences between these two states. So if you and this guy are both at least 21 and have been dating for at least a year without any serious arguments or physical abuse it might be worth considering.
2020-04-27 9:09 am
A lot of people live in and succeed in Louisiana, but many more barely exist. Do you have the qualifications for a good job? I know some people that live near Monroe, Louisiana and they seem to like it there.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:53:18
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