Should people be questioned before buying a car?

2020-04-25 4:48 pm
Should people be questioned about their reason of buying car before paying? 
Many people living in cities where there’s convenient public transportation still buys a car. Maybe because they like to drive or something... If they were questioned and consulted about the necessity of having a car and such. They might change their minds and decided to use public transports instead. 
This would help lower the need of cars, the number of vehicles in the future and could reduce traffic congestion. What are your thoughts on this? 

回答 (11)

2020-04-25 4:53 pm
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In America, you're free to ask, and people are free to tell you it's none of your goddamn business, and they most certainly will.
2020-04-25 8:30 pm
In the US we have free enterprise. People can buy whatever they choose as long as it is legal.
2020-04-25 5:10 pm
The dealer will not do it if it does not result in a SALE.  It is just business.
2020-04-25 11:30 pm
You should mind your own business.  The F*ing nanny state already does too much of this crap 'but it's for your own good'.
2020-04-25 9:40 pm
I don't think so.  And convincing people to use public transportation over having a private car when there's a pandemic involving a virus that's highly contagious at close range probably isn't the best time to convince people to sit next to others on a bus or a train instead of having their own car either.
2020-04-25 5:13 pm
Why not? They've taken all our other personal freedoms, might as well take our cars, too.
2020-04-26 12:49 am
no i don't think so
2020-04-26 4:07 am
Why do you care what anyone else drives? Manage your own life.
2020-04-26 2:16 am
People ask THEMSELVES BEFORE DOLING OUT $40K for a car.    I know I did even if it is for $400.00 on a beater.   By the time they leave the house they have made up their mind.
2020-04-26 1:24 am
You want others to take inconvenient public transportation.

Go look at the bus depot, where the bus drivers have personal vehicles, automobiles.
Go at LA Metro, bus and train, and see that the have automobiles for their supervisors to go places.
TRUTH -- the personal motor vehicle is THE most convenient transportation; has been for over 100 years.  There are only a few places in the world were public transportation is better than personal motor vehicles.  In most places only losers use public transportation.

Are you so stupid that others have not considered and rejected the thought of public transportation?
2020-04-26 1:23 am
Yes, we all need nannies/ SMH
2020-04-26 12:59 am
If the economic prospects of driving a car to the poor house are not enough to stop people, (and they certainly have not), then a few questions will just get in the way and annoy them 

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 18:29:17
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