商用英文 詢問:因為系統出錯麻煩請您重新下單?

2020-04-24 12:55 pm
請問“因為訂單系統出錯,以下訂單 麻煩請您重新下單, 訂單交期部分需要時間確認 ,造成您的不便請您見諒。”

回答 (7)

2020-04-25 3:18 pm
Due to the malfunction of PO system,please place the origin order on us again. The delivery date will be reconfirmed. It will take time for handling this matter. Sorry for causing your inconvenience.
2020-04-27 3:32 pm
Due to technical difficulty, your order was not processed.  Please re-submit your order.  Once the new order has been placed, we will send you a delivery confirmation shortly. We apologize for the inconvenience caused. 
參考: English speaker.
2020-04-25 8:04 am
----Due to the system error, your previous order need to be re-submitted to your proposals.
----Ordered delivery part of schedule will need time confirmation after ordered direction.
----Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
2020-04-25 11:43 pm
A:Because the system is in trouble, please order again?
2020-04-24 3:52 pm
Due to system error, your previous order needs to be resubmitted.  
The order delivery schedule will need some time to confirm after order placement.We're sorry for the convenience. 
2020-04-24 1:04 pm
Due to system problems, yours orders cannot be processed, please re-submit below orders again, order delivery schedule need further confirmation, sorry for inconvenience caused.
2020-05-04 9:46 am
“因為訂單系統出錯,以下訂單 麻煩請您重新下單, 訂單交期部分需要時間確認 ,造成您的不便請您見諒。”
Because of the error of PO system , please reorder POs as below , the term of POs need time to check again , Sorry about the situation and please understanding . 
參考: Me
2020-05-08 11:04 pm
Due to a  technical problem of the order system, your order is not processed. Please re-submit the order listed below. It will take some time to confirm the delivery date. Sorry for the inconvenience.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:06:38
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