question about date rape ?

2020-04-22 5:37 pm
 I just need some insight here and advise for my brother. He doesn't use yahoo and he really needs advice.  He and his girlfriend have been dating 3 years stright . This happend last summer but its bothering him . We decided to ask on here. He is in his 20s. His girlfriend just turned 18 . They was having a disagreement one night my brothers fault on that one. Well she was upset so one of her friends took her out. My brothers girlfriend says there was a few people there she didn't know and someone put something in her drink & raped her. She claims she passed out and didn't know what happened until she came back to. My brother is having problems believing her because she had a  Hickey on her neck. She also had a empty condom rapper in her purse.  She is not the type that would sleep around so is this possible?

回答 (5)

2020-04-22 5:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Date rape with a drug is entirely possible. And what does that have to do with a hickey? Would he refuse to believe her if someone broke her leg? The rapist could have easily planted the condom wrapper in her purse. Your brother is much too suspicious.
2020-04-22 6:53 pm
She definitely wh*ored around to get back at him. She’s disgusting. He should break up with her

If she wasn’t planning on having sex, then she wouldn’t “go out drinking” with other men AT ALL. Think about it. She ALREADY planned to cheat. So the rape excuse is obviously very unlikely.

And hypothetically- any guy who committed a felony rape, isn’t going to put a condom wrapped IN HER PURSE, of all places! Jesus Christ. Nobody is gonna leave incriminating evidence in her purse. And almost nobody wears a condom during a rape to begin with. It’s so painfully obvious that she cheated.

If she’s going to use the “rape” excuse, then she better file criminal charges. And she better understand that if she files false charges that she’ll go to jail. If she’s going to make an accusation like that, it damn well better be true
2020-04-22 5:59 pm
She clearly don’t know how to come up with a good lie ... she went out & cheated THE END lol
2020-04-22 5:44 pm
So, you can't put a hickey on someone when they are passed out?

If he does not trust her, he should move on. We do not know her. We can't tell you if she is honest or not.

This happened about a year ago but you don't tell us when the condom wrapper was found. Or who found it. Or how she explained it.

Did she file a police report? Did she have a rape kit done at an ER?
2020-04-22 5:42 pm

I dunno.

But rapists don't typically leave the evidence in their victims purse.

Maybe he got lazy and couldn't find a trash can? 🤣

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:57:10
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