Question about rape & the date rape drug?

2020-04-22 5:36 pm
 I just need some insight here and advise for my brother. He doesn't use yahoo and he really needs advice.  He and his girlfriend have been dating 3 years stright . This happend last summer but its bothering him . We decided to ask on here. He is in his 20s. His girlfriend just turned 18 . They was having a disagreement one night my brothers fault on that one. Well she was upset so one of her friends took her out. My brothers girlfriend says there was a few people there she didn't know and someone put something in her drink & raped her. She claims she passed out and didn't know what happened until she came back to. My brother is having problems believing her because she had a  Hickey on her neck. She also had a empty condom rapper in her purse.  She is not the type that would sleep around so is this possible?

回答 (2)

2020-04-22 5:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
She still could have been raped even if she had a hickey on her neck and an empty condom rapper in his purse. I wouldn't accuse her of sleeping around or cheating if she claims she was sexually insulted. However, here are some signs that someone has been raped:

- Bruising after the incident and a difficulty walking.
- Trust issues after the incident and being quieter in social settings. 
- Covering up more so than usual.
- Not wanting people to touch them without asking first.

If she has/is displaying all of this signs or most of them, then I'd say it's very much a possibility. It could be possible either way. If your brother is still unsure, then just tell him to talk to his girlfriend. They're both adults and trust and communication is key in a relationship. 

Best of luck.
2020-04-22 5:38 pm
Of course it’s possible.

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