
2020-04-22 4:07 am
Q1: Which of the courts or tribunals would hear the appeal case if an illegal immigrant is convicted of burglary by the District Court?

A. Court of Final Appeal
B. High Court: Court of Appeal, Competition Tribunal, Lands Tribunal
C. High Court: Court of First Instance, Labour Tribunal, Small Claims Tribunal, Coroner’s Court
D. Magistrates’ Courts(Juvenile Court)

回答 (1)

2020-04-22 5:36 am
A. Court of Final Appeal

A District Court case must be first appealed at the Court of Appeal of the High Court. Then the case can be appealed at the Court of Final Appeal.

Competition Tribunal, Lands Tribunal, Labour Tribunal, Small Claims Tribunal, Coroner’s Court, Magistrates’ Courts(Juvenile Court) are all specialized tribunals, having limited original jurisdiction.

None of the choices are really correct. Because B, C, & D are definitely incorrect, A is the only choice that makes sense.

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 22:51:41
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