哪一個較好? 兩間學校有什麼海外課程嗎? 課程哪一個較多? 兩間中學哪一間進大學的機會更高? 還還有就是, 有什麼類似成長營或露營的活動嗎?急需要🙏🙏 謝謝各位🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
回答 (1)
PLKCFS may be #1 in the Islands. But it is definitely not #1 in Hong Kong. And there are definitely more Band 1 schools better than this. Also - just because you are a student of a top school, it does not necessarily mean you are the top. You can be at the bottom.
On the other hand, YHKCC is a English school. So it can practically help you to improve your English skills (assuming you can handle it). It is a known fact that students from English schools do better in HKDSE English Language, compared to those from Chinese schools.
It is about practicality.
2. None. Secondary schools are generally not allowed to provide courses for overseas education.
3. Unknown. However, it is never about choices, but practicality.
4. YHKCC. See #1 above.
5. Maybe.
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