When do you think COVID-19 will disappear forever and we can all live our normal lives again?

2020-04-21 5:13 pm

回答 (7)

2020-04-21 6:43 pm
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The answer to your question is unknown, but returning to normal needs to start now.

This is a virus.  We have not cured a virus yet.  Not sure why people think we can magically cure this one.  And vaccines take time, we can't stay home waiting for a vaccine, that's not workable.The country needs to start reopening.  Life needs to go back to normal.  People who are at risk can stay home. The lock downs were to flatten the curve. They were never meant for ridding us of the virus.  It's going to spread, that's what viruses do.  The lock downs were never meant to be long term or permanent, that's not workable and won't solve anything, it will just have massively horrible unintended consequences.Staying home is not sustainable!  And the panic and fear are over the top.  Calm and common sense needs to return to people.

I know, not a popular answer. But it's the truth.  So go ahead, ignore or attack the truth.
2020-04-22 8:04 am
No, it won't but a vaccine will be developed. That's about a year out.
2020-04-21 5:52 pm
When the world turns back to God.
2020-04-21 5:27 pm
Don't get your hopes up . What if mutates and can never be effectively dealt with ?
2020-04-21 5:54 pm
No, I doubt it. Too many stupid people ignoring social distance rules and not staying home. They will ensure COVID-19 is with us for a long time.
2020-04-21 5:44 pm
We need to wait until 2022
2020-04-21 5:36 pm
That is something no one knows Daniel.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:49:40
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