Questions about artificial intelligence and allocation of resources?

2020-04-20 11:35 pm
As a manager of a company,….
1. Why artificial intelligence analyzing the data can allocate the financial resources for companies?

2. How artificial intelligence regarded as an online assistant can allocate the resources for firms?

3. How artificial intelligence used for customer access can allocate the resources for firms?

4. Do you believe allocation of resources can be one of the essential corporate strategies? Why?

5. How often do you use artificial intelligence to allocate resources per week?

6. Do you believe artificial intelligence can allocate resources effectively?

回答 (1)

2020-04-21 4:32 pm
This kind of questions are not relevant. Since that, the artificial intelligence we have today still lag critical thought function (or conscious function). The best an A.I. can do is to compare data and output some prior made scripted commands from those script then show you a result from those script, for example, when " AAA circumstance is true, execute BBB or return user an advice CCC". If a new situation which those script did not apprehend before, it will not be able to give any analysis.

Q1: It cannot. They are probably some script based on some existed cases which turn into script and given various "analysis" according to those cases. They are not truly any kind of advice, they are merely data compared to some existing data or possible some thought from the script writer which return you an advice of where to possibly allocate the resources.

Q2: They cannot. They are pre-recorded programs to deal with situation that might have happened before or those imaginated theory provided or based on some financial advice person. Based your resources on a pre-programmed AI is a very dangerous action.

Q3: You cannot. The one who allocate resources are still human themselves (or show still be under human control, unless authorities given automatically to certain provided situations to an AI or to others person otherwise). AI can help you compare data from previous cases and yours, it could provide you with dots on the graph, you still needed human to draw those line.

Q4: Of course. It is always about essentially using resources in all kind of situation.

Q5: Never.

Q6: No. They lack understand, critical thinking, thoughts, emotions. They only obey orders that is programable by human, once they encounter novel situation, they either return error or cannot provide answer to your situation.

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 22:53:29
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