What is the worst month of the year?

2020-04-20 9:08 pm
I think it is February because the weather is nonsense, It is cold and it has selfish holidays like Valentines day

回答 (7)

2021-01-03 7:52 am
I dislike August -- hot, humid, I'm always wishing for summer (my least favorite season) to be over and for a fresh, cool, autumn to begin.

I love fall and winter. Where I live, we don't get much of a spring; we pretty much leap from days in the 30s and 40s to full summer.

September and October are my favorite months.
2020-04-23 11:23 pm
I think it's January. December is usually cold and icky, but the holiday spirit of things makes it magical and fun. Snow is novel at that point. By January, all the holidays are over, the fun cheerful spirit of things has gone away, and it's just cold, and nasty weather. Valentines day doesn't bother me, while it is commercial, it does mean that February 15th is an amazing day for reduced price chocolate.
2020-04-23 6:55 am
I think it is December because of the expectation to be happy and joy filled and of course that makes us pain filled and sorrowful. Little kids are the only ones who enjoy the holidays. My childhood years were robbed by my parents emotional abuse so that makes it worse.
2020-04-20 10:49 pm
Jan or Feb .
2020-04-20 9:41 pm
January. Cold, icy, snowy and flat out miserable.
2020-04-20 9:10 pm
I think September is the worst, for some reason it makes everyone depressed.
2021-01-03 6:57 pm
definitely September to October, it's when spiders are coming out. Disgusting.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:50:39
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