Can coronavirus survive on plants?

2020-04-20 3:18 am
I have tulips growing on my front porch.

回答 (16)

2020-04-20 6:13 am
Congratulations you win the stupidest question of the day award.
2020-04-24 6:32 pm
As long as they're tulips and not twolips, ; You're pretty safe :)   Thanks for the fun question!
2020-04-20 10:43 am
Sunlight--ultraviolet light--kills it pretty fast. 
2020-04-24 6:38 pm
Not any record found like this as per my knowledge. 
2020-04-23 6:47 am
It *could* be absolutely anywhere. Whether it makes in into your eyes, nose or mouth is another issue entirely. It's a virus: it can't jump or crawl, and it doesn't burrow into your skin. Washing your hands thoroughly and often and not touching your face will go a long, long, long way toward protecting you from infection.

I guess it could be on your plants, but it needs to be inside a mammal to reproduce and thrive. Someone would need to sneeze *right on your plants* and you would need to come out and pick them, handle them, and then touch your eyes, nose, or mouth to transfer the virus into your body. 

After you pick your tulips and arrange them, wash your hands, or just enjoy them in your garden. 

Worry more about the handrails on steps, grocery cart handles, keypads on ATMs, and the things a lot of people touch.
2020-04-23 1:19 am
Yes it can survive up to 9 days sunshine or not on your plant. My source is from a medical report that was given to a nurse to study and she relayed it to me.
2020-04-21 6:06 am
On top of the leaves you touched?  Most certainly.  It is like plastic or steel or cardboard or cloth.  Just another surface.
2020-04-20 7:49 pm
this is hard to say, But yes it survive for some hours
2020-04-20 8:09 pm
virus is a dangerous things, even chemistry computer or biology.
2020-04-20 3:20 am
Yes. It is the most contagious and deadly disease in the history of mankind. for the next 18-24 months it is going to be a living hell on earth as the coronavirus takes over the world. The coronavirus will rule on earth for 2 years until the vaccine is ready

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:41:42
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