When blacks voted for obama just because he was black, was that an example of racism?

2020-04-20 2:17 am

回答 (38)

2020-04-20 2:21 am
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No, according to liberal logic; voting against a president because of his race is racist, but voting for a president because of his race is not racist.

Just ask Rihanna and Samuel L. Jackson

Rihanna: Best thing about White House is 'my president being black

Samuel L. Jackson: I Voted For obama 'Because He Was Black

The democrat party has a long and violent history of racism, and has now evolved from the party of racism to the party of reverse racism.
2020-04-20 2:19 am
Racism is when you treat someone differently because of his color.  So yes, that would be racism.  But if the truth were known, I'd bet a year's income that more people voted AGAINST Obama just because of his color than FOR him.
2020-04-20 6:25 am
ANY behavior or activity based on some ones skin color is an example of racism.
2020-04-20 6:57 pm
False premise.          
2020-04-20 10:22 am
Of course it was.  Why do you think Biden wants a black female as a running mate.
He wants the black & women votes.
2020-04-21 12:33 am
When white people voted for him in droves, was that an example of choosing the right person, no matter what he looked like?
If you vote for someone or don't vote for someone based on their race, that is racism. Some people were afraid to vote for him because they didn't want him to be murdered in office. 
Colin Powell (R) didn't run, because his wife was terrified he would be murdered. Says a lot about our country, don't you think?
2020-04-20 2:40 am
2020-04-20 11:22 pm
They are Americans, therefore they are entitled to racism just as the white Nazis are.
2020-04-21 1:45 am
It was the stupids in the entertainment business who think they can just pat the blacks on their back and hug them that they can show them how to live their lives.
2020-04-20 5:02 am
Yes to an extent, but it was more ignorance than anything.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:36:09
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