My period is over a week late, could it be Plan B?

2020-04-19 8:35 am
Hi everyone. I hope you're all as safe as you can be. 

My period is usually on the 10th or 14th of the every month. I'm over a week late as the title says, and I've already taken two pregnancy tests, both negative. The guy didn't ejaculate inside me but some of his *** was outside my pussy...excuse my french. Could this be from the Plan B? I'm getting eally concerned now as I was just going to let time go by and see. I read on reddit some users reported the same thing happening to them. Any thoughts/advice would be appreciated. Thanks.  

Some fyi, I took the plan be around early March. 

回答 (2)

2020-04-19 9:13 am
Plan B is a mega dose of hormones.
It commonly interferes with regular menstrual cycle. It can take 6 - 22 months for your body to recover. It should not be used as a primary method of birth control.
It is for use in EMERGENCY situations. Rape, condom failure, or similar.
If your partner is not using a condom then you should not be having sex.
2020-04-19 11:35 am
go to the abortion clinic then eat the fetus and youll be all set

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