dating a women with kids. please read.   need advice.  ?

2020-04-19 1:16 am
i have 2 year old and a 8 year old with my ex wife.   

for the past 5 months i have been dating a women with a 4 year old and a 12 year old.  
last 2 months living with her.   

i have kept this a secret from my 8 year old. 

dont want him to think that i traded him and his brother for two other kids.  

i could say i love the person i am with right now.  but, i do not see myself as a father to her kids.    as i already have two of my own.  

who dont even know of their existence yet.  

i am seriously thinking about packing my bags and living.    on my own.  

am i in the wrong here ??  

keep in my mind.  this women am with. 
does everything.  i need her to do.  

has chosen me over her kids i would say 90% of the time.   

the issue is me.  am just uncomfortable with her kids.  i feel a feeling of guilt.  for not been with my own.    

回答 (9)

2020-04-19 7:43 am
I'm uncomfortable about you living with a woman with a 4 and 12 year old that you've dated for 5 months and MOVED IN after only 3 months. How long did her last boyfriend last? It seems really dicey to me regardless of how hard she is working to keep you in her home. Can you stay in her life if you move out? Living together isn't "dating". Dating seems a more sound choice. Of course you are reticent to introduce your 8 year old to a woman you didn't even know 6 months ago but are already living with. The fact that it's clear to you she's chosen you over her kids... ikkk. makes me wonder if you are one of several in just the 3-4 years she's been without a man in her life that was a father of her kid(s). Is she able to support her own household somehow? How does she explain you to HER children?

Just seems all too much too soon to me. But then, I'm not in love with either of you. Science tells us it takes a minimum of two years to know a person for who THEY are instead of who we want them to be for us in our life.

Good luck. You don't mention that you are deeply in love with your gf. "I could say I love the person I'm with right now". That's not much of a declaration!!
2020-04-22 1:48 am
if you want your life ruined then sure, go right ahead. Some people just have to get hit by a bus to know that it hurts i suppose.
2020-04-21 4:45 pm
You moved in rather speedily.
Deception towards your children seems a high price to pay 
2020-04-20 8:47 pm
Her kids will always be her kids.  Be friendly, but let her do the parenting.  There's no reason why you can't stay. 
2020-04-19 1:23 am
you are being dishonest with all involved. can you live with that. it is not only the children who will suffer because of your dishonesty but the women as well. I think you should move out if you can until you can be honest with all.
2020-04-19 12:16 pm
No, you never want to date single mothers. They are the WORST. Please, I beg of you, cut her off. Look into some red pill content. She is using you. Once she captures you, it is over. 60% of second marriages in the USA ends in divorce. It is a trap. The law favors women. The odds are stacked against you in this game of life. The good thing is, you can choose to not play it.
2020-04-23 11:13 pm
You're not with the kind of woman you know in your heart is right for you.
1) Any woman that puts a man before children isn't going to be a good step mother to your kids.
2) This could easily be a rebound woman.
3) Your kids come first as they will need you to co-parent w/ their mom.

You know moving out is what you need to do especially after a divorce. Right now you need to focus only on you & your children.

You sound like you have a great head on your shoulders and know this relationship isn't right so yes move out on your own so your children can spend weekends with you.
2020-04-19 9:52 am
Yes, I think you've sponged off her long enough and should move on.  And take some night classes in English.
2020-04-19 1:17 am
This has WHAT to so with personal finance?

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