
2020-04-16 9:25 pm

回答 (8)

2020-04-17 8:48 pm
現在有分詞......... 加 ing........玻利維亞待不下去教英文,來台灣騙吃騙喝教英文....台灣人怎麼還跟非英語系人學英文,可憐呀!!!!
2020-04-17 7:38 am
steal vt, vi(pt stole, pp stolen .present participle=stealing)
steal--She steals a glance at somebody in the mirror.
--------He steals a kiss from her by surprise
stole--The student stole into the classroom.
---------A tear stole down her cheek-face.
stolen---Someone has stolen my gold watch.
-----------I have had my gold watch stolen.
-----------I have been stolen of my gold watch.
stealing--(present participle)--The morning light are stealing through the window-shutters.
------------Stealing something from somebody secretly without right is unlawful.
------------Taking somebody else's property secretly is stealing.
2020-04-16 10:09 pm
steal 三人称単数 現在形 steals, 
現在分詞 stealing, 
過去形 stole, 
過去分詞 stolen)
2020-04-29 11:55 pm
2020-04-21 1:34 pm
steal + ing 就是囉~~~~~~~~~
2020-04-17 5:11 pm
2020-04-17 11:34 am
Steal ==as Present tense; stole==as Past tense; Stolen==as Past participle; stealing==as Present participle.
2020-04-17 9:54 am


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