Agree or Disagree? If Trump didn't have to deal with the impeachment headache from Peolsi America would have had a much needed headstart in ?

2020-04-14 1:32 am
Their fight against the Corona Virus Pandemic & lots of American people would not have been killed from the Corona Virus.

回答 (69)

2020-04-14 1:44 am
Disagree. Conservatives think Trump is so intelligent and innocent. If that was the case, he could've ignored the impeachment and the no-trial in the Senate (he/we knew the criminal Republicans were going to acquit if there were no witnesses). But something kept Trump focused on the proceedings in the Senate. I think that something was whether Bolton was going to testify about what he saw in the room where it all happened. Trump realized if Bolton testified, then the evidence of his criminal bribery/extortion would be damning. Trump would've been kicked out of office. He gets to go back to the Trump organization. However, he didn't want to shut the economy down and destroy his business if he had to return to it. He sacrificed the nation for his selfish interest.
2020-04-14 1:46 am
Agree.  Trump is so demented, he can't possibly focus on more than one thing at a time.  Thanks to all the Trump supporters who answered "agree" and clearly proved that Trump is unfit to be President of the United States.
2020-04-14 7:07 am
Jan. 22: Trump was asked if he was worried about a pending pandemic, and he responded by saying: “No, we’re not worried at all. And we have it totally under control. It’s just one person coming in from China!”    ... So according to your hero Donald Trump, there was no need for a head start! So blame him for that, not everyone else!
2020-04-14 1:39 am
Disagree. Trump didn't take the initial reports on the coronavirus seriously, because he believed it was "under control". After all, he was relying on previous outbreaks, SARS, MERS, Ebola, etc. However his opinion changed when it became obvious that it wasn't under control and the stock market fell. 
However, he didn't do any worse than other western countries.
2020-04-14 1:33 am
2020-04-15 4:15 am
Agree.  Pelosi and her gang of idiots, focused all media on the sham Impeachment Hearings so no one even knew what was going on in China......and, Pelosi knew exactly what was going on in China.  She drags her feet and then has the nerve to blame President Trump for waiting too long to do anything...............SHAME on her!!!
2020-04-15 9:07 am
Wouldn’t have made any difference. He thought it was a bunch of bulls hit from the beginning. He made it clear

. Like his friend Rush Limbaugh , who said it was just a cold and Trump said he thought it was just the flu. In other words, he didn’t really give a fu ck 

like saying those soldiers whose barracks were almost hit by the missile in retaliation for soleimani, ...who got brain-damaged...had “headaches” 
2020-04-15 9:50 am
Agree. During the Impeachment,
Trump was kept busy screaming,
ranting, raving, tweeting til 2am...
2020-04-17 4:43 pm
POTUS Trump dealt with the coronavirus by 12/31/2019 before China even admitted a problem, Obama and Biden did nothing for 8 years to prepare the US The Democrat's did nothing from 2016 through today to prepare America, the impeachment Farce was the only thing they did, and failed at that also
2020-04-15 12:43 pm
Trump still was monitoring the china virus. He even made a direct reference to it while Pelosi was prepping her  State of the Union speech to rip into pieces.

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