What would you do if Joe Biden becomes president?

2020-04-12 10:32 pm

回答 (15)

2020-04-12 10:35 pm
Joe is fundamentally a keep the rich wealthy, and the poor begging for crumbs kind of politician. Not unlike every other president of the past 50 years.

It’ll be just another day in America.
參考: The Democratic Nominee
2020-04-12 10:34 pm
Accept it. Biden has reputation for listening to the experts and allowing them to speak.
2020-04-12 10:38 pm
Give a huge sigh of relief knowing that an actual adult was in the top seat again. 
2020-04-12 10:34 pm
I will ~ Laugh my Bummmm off. Democrats are always hardest hit by the Obama, Clinton, Cater, LBJ....style DISASTERS. Joe Biden....two CHANCES, slim and NONE.
參考: I will be just fine.
2020-04-12 10:33 pm
Suffer  under  a  democrat 
2020-04-14 12:24 am
Wait three days for him to die of a stroke, heart attack, COVID-19 or a strong breeze.
2020-04-13 7:09 am
Be watching closely to see who's actually pulling the strings on that puppet.
2020-04-12 10:39 pm
the same thing ive done for every president elected in my lifetime. go about business as usual.
2020-04-12 10:38 pm
Breathe a sigh of relief.
2020-04-12 10:35 pm
On here?  Demand an impeachment investigation on day one and every day thereafter.  In real life?  Go on with my life as usual.  
2020-04-12 10:34 pm
I would be extremely happy.
2020-06-04 7:45 pm
As a Canadian, I will rejoice. For 2 reasons. 1). I have tremendous respect for
Joseph Biden. Americans will have a president they can be proud of !! 2). When
Maximus Idiotis gets kicked out of the white house he will no longer be safe from
prosecution and he will twitter like a fly caught in a spider's web. A lot of people will
be very happy to see that putrid conning piece of work get his just deserts.
2020-04-12 10:59 pm
Carry on living. Whoever is president does not affect the men in the street in a very big way.
2020-04-12 10:42 pm
Ask him to extend loan forgiveness to grad students as well.
2020-04-12 10:38 pm
Get up. Go to work.

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