If the liberals think that the founding fathers were "liberal" then explain the second amendment?

2020-04-11 11:32 pm
Some of the founding fathers were in the democratic party however their views then are drastically different from the liberals of today.  PS the founding fathers INTENTIONALLY put the second amendment in to keep America safe from tyranny.  After defeating King George III, the American people wanted to ensure freedom until the end of time.

回答 (9)

2020-04-11 11:35 pm
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Liberals are not concerned with the constitution; they are concerned with only one thing: your paycheck, and how much they can get from it.
2020-04-11 11:43 pm
You do realize they wrote the second ammendment with muskets in mind not a weapon that 1 person can use to kill everyone in a Movie Theater and then take on all first responders
2020-04-11 11:57 pm
The Second Amendment says what liberals are saying: Regulation (control) is essential and freedom can't survive with unregulated, uncontrolled guns. Following what the real Second Amendment actually says would keep us safe. But the imaginary one found only in the minds of conservatives keeps us in danger.
2020-04-11 11:37 pm
Was it Santayana who said the people who do not study history are doomed to repeat it? First, there WAS no Democratic Party back then. Second, They NEEDED a well-organized militia in the 18th century. The 2nd amendment was not meant to allow a "collector" to compensate for a tiny penis.
2020-04-11 11:35 pm
Liberal FEEL the founders were liberal. Do not accuse them of thought. The American constitution with the LIMITS on the federal Democrats is a 'silver bullet' to the Democrat wolves. A living constitution is the ticket - so the Democrats can ignore the WORD.
參考: The party of race enthusiasm does not even equate themselves with the UNION KKK members anymore. Or the NY City voters that 'did' the Stonewall INN raids.
2020-04-11 11:37 pm
The 2nd amendment was included only because the United States did not have a standing army and relied on "well regulated militias" for military actions.
2020-04-12 12:12 am
How are you gonna do that? A bunch of nuts with AR-15's? They have you out gunned anyway! There is NO WAY the gov't of the U.S. is going to let you keep america safe from tyranny. They will use their superior firepower to destroy you and ANY ideas of standing up to them. What a USELESS amendment, you can HAVE guns, you just can't USE them the way the founding fathers intended.
2020-04-11 11:40 pm
There is nothing in the 2nd Amendment that states its purpose was to 'keep America safe from tyranny'.
At the time there was no standing army in the US, and many of the founding fathers did not want one, Jefferson for example. Part of the purpose of the 2nd Amendment was to keep a trained militia at the ready it case it was needed.
And many argue that the 2nd Amendment was also a concession to the southern states who want to keep slave patrols in place to round up and control runaway slaves.
2020-04-21 8:37 pm
Shut up stupid fake nba fan.

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