回答 (6)
Here is the simple and straight forward way to say it:
These pineapple cakes can be kept in room temperature.
Store them in the fridge after 4/21.
Toast them in the oven (at whatever degree) for 3 to 5 mins before serving.
Discarded them after 5/21.
These pineapple cakes (aka pineapple scones) are good till April 21st.
If not all consumed by then, they could be refrigerated and good for another month.
Once refrigerated, just toast them 3 to 5 minutes at 300 degrees F before serving.
These aka pineapple cakes are fresh until April 21.
---If not consumed, then they can be refrigerated and be kept fresh for another (May21--April21)=30 days.
---Once refrigerated, they can be microwaved/heated/oven-baked 3 to 5 minutes to defrost with medium heat before serving.
Pineapple crisps can be placed on 4/21 at room temperature. If 4/21 has not been eaten yet, then freeze to refrigerate. It can be stored until 5/21, and the oven should be baked for 3-5 minutes. ?
As far as pineapple cookie-pie being concerned, it can be stored under the normal condition through April 21; otherwise, put into refrigerator till May 21 and then baked for 3 to 5 minute to serve.
收錄日期: 2021-05-01 14:45:52
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