What’s the best way to make sure everyone’s vote counts equally?

2020-04-11 7:44 am
I don’t think that the vote of someone from the Midwest should count more or less than that of someone from NYC. How do we make sure they count equally?

回答 (9)

2020-04-11 7:49 am
Insist that the laws be changed so people have to prove they are an adult US citizen who is alive and not a rights-suspended felon before their vote is accepted.
2020-04-11 7:52 am
By strictly ensuring that there are no votes by people who are not eligible to vote.
2020-04-11 7:46 am
But they DO.  This only applies to presidential elections, where it is done for a specific reason.
2020-04-12 12:06 am
That is why we have the electoral college. You should have stayed in school.
2020-04-11 7:54 am
Get rid of the electoral college voting system.
2020-04-18 1:07 am
Apportion Electoral votes proportionately instead of winner-take-all. Our county election result maps make it very clear that not all Californian's vote Dem and not all Texans vote GOP. But under the current system those outliers aren't counted. But no, letting NYC and L.A. (where I live) decide the outcome of every national election isn't feasible. The interior states would revolt were that the case (and, P.S. They have all the guns).
2020-04-11 9:59 pm
It would take a new constitutional convention.

The Constitution gives every state two Senators regardless of size.  And it bars any amendment changing that rule unless every state ratifies that amendment.  Since states are not even close to the same size, the vote for Senator will never be of similar weights.

Likewise, one would need to amend the Constitution to get rid of the electoral college.  While you only need a two-thirds vote in both houses and the support of three-quarters of the states, that will still require a significant number of states agreeing to give up their current advantage.

Bottom line is that it is not likely to happen.
2020-04-11 8:49 pm
its called the electorial college
2020-04-11 8:22 am
The Electoral System gives more power to someone in a rural state to control that state's Electoral vote. But in another one sense, someone in an urban state has heavier state-power with many Electors, so that person's vote is more "crucial" you might say.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:48:06
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