Prosecutors from New York are just waiting til Trump is out of office to charge him with dozens of felonies. He wont be able to hide then?

2020-04-10 4:04 pm

回答 (12)

2020-04-10 4:12 pm
lol good luck with that...
2020-04-10 4:06 pm
And he won't have a treasonous criminal Attorney General to protect him, either.
Seriously, what is Congress waiting for to eject this guy head first?
2020-04-10 4:41 pm
That is why Dump will do anything to win, he knows once its over he is going to prison.
2020-04-10 4:25 pm
He seems to get away with everything and he always has.
2020-04-10 9:01 pm
That is the sole reason why he is running for reelection. If reelected he has the statue of limitations on his side
2020-04-10 7:37 pm
Which is why he is willing to do anything to stay in power.

Why else would he turn these daily briefings which are supposed to be about the Coronavirus into him using them to attack and blame a growing list of those responsible for the virus.

Rather than doing what just about every other leader in the world is doing taking actions to sort out problems, not just blame someone else for them.
2020-04-10 10:22 pm
true but, whats your question
2020-04-10 7:25 pm
Prosecutors were waiting to charge Bill Clinton with perjury but he avoided it by surrendering his law license.
2020-04-10 5:21 pm
If he loses the election, he could probably just resign on his last day and let Mike Pence take over who can then pardon him. Trump has spent a lifetime avoiding accountability, why would that change now?
2020-04-10 4:42 pm
Felonies like what? State what is in the works or go play somewhere else.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:33:46
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