Friendship destroyed over money I borrowed? ?

2020-04-10 7:40 am
I was going through a divorce a few years ago, and my law firm was struggling.  I couldn’t get funds from a bank or family.  

So a good friend of mine loaned over $300,000 to me.  The loan documentation was very thorough: a lien on all of my and my law firm’s assets.  I offered a fair interest rate, which my friend accepted.

I’ve been totally honest with him all along and I plan to repay everything.

However, the due date was over two years ago, and I’ve paid only about $130,000 back.  My friend keeps telling me to get a permanent lender and to hire lawyers who are more profitable for my law firm.  Th at doesn’t help: I just snap my fingers and it happens?

My friend hasn’t threatened to sue me, but he has very strongly demanded payment recently, telling me that his own finances are a mess because of this.  He also told me that I hadn’t told him about other liens on my assets that I already had in place when he lent.  He’s ticked.  He told me that we are going to mediation about this.

Well, if he sues me, I’ll fight back.  And I can always screw him by filing for bankruptcy.  I’ve told him so.  I’ve sent him a few letters about this, suggesting repayment solutions.

Is this friendship over?  He should have done his homework and been comfortable with this kind of arrangement.

回答 (11)

2020-04-10 8:04 am
He should sue you. So this is HIS fault for trusting you? You should have filed bankruptcy in the beginning instead of screwing over a friend. Your a real dirtball and deserve a real kick in the azzzz.
2020-04-10 7:55 am
You’re a complete scumbag deadbeat dou*chebag, dude. You suck. You’re a user. You can have all the friends and money in the world and you’ll still be a crappy loser just bcuz of your character alone.


Jesus Christ, most lawyers make $200,000+ a year WITHOUT any paralegals working for them! So strip your staff, work 10 hour days, and stop going on vacation and drive beater/used 2007-era cars until you pay him back in full. You can declare bankruptcy but you can’t hide if he comes to your house with a shotgun, motherf*ucker. Pay him his money 

And until you do pay him back, AT THE VERY LEAST, you should be inviting him to every single party, club, social event, dinner, or friend outing EVER, until you pay him back. You should make him feel like the coolest, most desired, most respected, most wanted friend in the WHOLE DAMN WORLD. Because you owe him your freaking LIFE. Literally. And you’re an unappreciative a*ss user to not realize that already 
2020-04-10 8:14 am
I was told at a early age that the best way to lose a friend is to borrow or
lend them money.
2020-04-10 7:57 am
You owe him a lot of money, and you’re in arrears.  He saved your @ss, and you have taken advantage of his kindness and generosity.  You can’t blame him for being ticked.  Why don’t you borrow what you owe him from conventional lenders, and pay the poor guy back?  You are the one who hasn’t taken responsibility for your actions.  It seems you are the one who doesn’t value his friendship (and he has been one HELL of a good friend to you).
2020-04-10 7:54 am
So, you aren't paying him back according to terms and you blame him? It seems like you've had quite a bit of time to get your firm going. If it's not working the way it should, it may be time to bring in an outside consultant. I'm sure you've heard this old saying. "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
2020-04-12 3:41 am
You sound like an ungrateful SOB that possibly deserves to have him get someone to break your legs from your description of this incident. I'm guessing he wishes this friendship could be over but he wants back whats his you ungrateful a**hole. 
2020-04-12 10:56 pm
The best way to lose a friend is to borrow or lend money. Lesson learned? What a tangled web we weave.  You bet you've lost your friend, and rightly so.
2020-04-10 11:34 pm
YOU were the one who needed help.
Now, you should be doing your very best top repay.
If you have other realisable assets, discuss with him a way of dealing with it
Do not take the cowardly way of bankruptcy
2020-04-12 6:03 am
i think its over, should of paid your liens back with some of that money, you shouldn't black mail him, cause, you didnt say you had other liens, he gave you all that money.
I dont know why you used your friend, you know it, Tell him your sorry and mean it
2020-04-11 9:11 pm
A true friend is there in the times of distress as your friend was with you he showed you natural affection love respect and he trusted what you said in the agreement that your Yes would mean Yes regardless of whatever else happened being a business person your word is your bond not your hardships as a true friend yourself it's your obligation to make good on your end and as the saying goes you can catch more bees with honey a better attitude might keep your friendship and prevent unnecessary further actions on your friend part who went out on a limb for you a wise person sees danger and protects themselves and that's what the lender is doing so the borrower should remember who owe who and not flip the script never bite the hand that helps you because you will regret it and reap what you sow. Pray for a positive outcome and your friendship because a true friend is hard to find. 

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:38:27
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