Who has a bigger credibility problem , our media or Red China ?

2020-04-10 6:18 am

回答 (10)

2020-04-10 6:20 am
Trump and cable "news"
2020-04-10 6:19 am
Fat Donnie has no  credibility whatsoever.
2020-04-10 6:19 am
Too close to call.                                                                                                     .
2020-04-10 6:26 am
Media totally 
Always be friends with your enemy (China) easier to keep an eye on them
2020-04-10 6:19 am
I think our president and senate have a credibility problem
2020-04-10 6:19 am
Trump and his brainwashed sheeple want people to believe Trump and only Trump. 
They scream fake news even when there is video of Trump contradicting himself. 
2020-04-10 6:21 am
CNN is the love child of Adolph Hitler and Mao Tse Tung.
2020-04-10 6:19 am
Red China, but usually that doesn't cause us a problem. Our media is doing a good job but not a great job, primarily because they cannot figure out how to cover Trump's constant fire hose of lies, corruption, criminality and misinformation.
2020-04-10 7:03 am
Not this guy LOCK HIM UP
2020-04-10 6:23 am
Our media, they have lied to us my entire 41 years!
參考: B4 my time CIA Murdered JFK, & went to the moon bull fücking shìt, then they try to pull off another hoax, 9-11, I ain't falling for stupidness and neither should any voter. History clearly points to the CIA as an anti American terrorist group. Why the fūck Americans buy the stupidest shit imagined is out of my rhelm of contributing assistance.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:52:13
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