Do you think China gives a dam about Americans suffering?

2020-04-08 11:07 am
Our people dying, our economy losing trillions of dollars, our jobs lost, our business lost, we cant go anywhere.

回答 (86)

2020-04-08 11:35 am
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LOL. Hell no they do not give a dam about Americans. They are stock market poachers. I tell you what they do, they spread this disease so that the Dow Jones and S&P nosedive and then they buy the majority stock in businesses like farms, agriculture, land, hotels, constructions, retail, eCommerce, tech etc at panic sold dirt cheap price and when all of this is over the stocks and shares rise and they become new owners of American in those sectors. 
2020-04-08 11:29 am
I'm sure the Chinese people understand since they have been through this themselves. Their government may not care. I'm not sure Donald Trump cares, either. He's more concerned with the economy and his reelection than with the suffering of the American people.
2020-04-08 11:11 am
Its only going to get worse. Much much worse. See that 1970 death. It usually takes 16 days for a covid patient to die, and 16 days ago america's number was in the 12,000... Yesterday was at 33,000. Expect death number to surge 14 - 16 days from yesterday. 
2020-04-10 10:11 am
The Chinese government doesn't even care about its own people.  Why would they care about foreigners?!?
2020-04-08 11:43 am
Have you ever even gotten to know a Chinese person personally? I bet you haven’t. You’re just profiling them as people who don’t care about anybody else because of your ignorance.Do you give a damn about their suffering? How many Chinese people have died? Was it their fault that some Chinese lab that was working with this virus let it escape or some “wet market” vendors didn’t know what they were doing, whatever your preferred theory? How do you know that many of the innocent people who are suffering in China 
also don’t feel sorry for people in other countries who are suffering? Chinese people are no different than people from any other country. Some of them may be narrowminded, intolerant people and others may be quite open-minded and friendly. Which category do you fall into? 
2020-04-08 2:08 pm
trump does not care he cares more about money then human lifes
if we die he has no money , china does not care about anything over seas
2020-04-09 9:21 pm
Why should China be concerned?  Are Americans concerned about THEM?  The human rights abuses--the overcrowding--the pollution--the trade inequities--the mass casualties--the corrupt political system?  Have they ever done anything FOR china except exploit its resources? Why should they be any different that we are?
2020-04-10 5:59 am
NO THEY DON'T........................................
2020-04-08 12:22 pm
Not at all.  Sooner you figure that out, better off you’ll be.
2020-04-09 8:27 pm
Well... of course they do. China may be powerful, but they still rely on other countries (especially the USA) for resources and economic processes. 
2020-04-08 11:57 pm
LOL No...........................................

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