
2020-04-07 8:20 pm
The school dance is ( ? ) by the students.
(A) written    (B) planned    (C) writing    (D) planning

回答 (2)

2020-04-08 8:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
The school dance is (B)(planned) by the students.
=go according to plan to happen as planned, without any difficulties 順利進行 按計劃安排進行.
written and writing=書寫.
2020-04-08 1:01 pm
這一題最主要的是要聊解"school dance"的意思."school dance"的意思是"校舞".是指代表學校文化/風格的舞蹈.像是美式足球得分的時候,球員集中表現<團隊精神>與<示威>的舞蹈. 聊解這一點以後答案(A)就很明顯了.

The school dance is written by the students.學生們製作了他們的"校舞".

至於 為神不選(C) 因為是<被動式>故不選(C).

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