I have been in a monestary retreat for 3 months. Just came out. It’s been weird. The streets are deserted.?

2020-04-07 3:44 am
The few people I met ran away from me. I went home. Now I have a bad cough and temperature but my doctor isn’t answering his phone. What is going on? Does anyone know a doctor that I can speak to?

回答 (9)

2020-04-07 3:49 am
Yes, try Dr. Frankenstein. He can help you.
2020-04-07 3:47 am
I'm a doctor, Ph.D., clinical psychology. May I be of help?
2020-04-07 3:47 am
Troll score 10 out of 10 for plausibility, and for not taking it to a ridiculous level.
2020-04-07 3:45 am
HE might be swamped...U can try an emergency room in hospital.
2020-04-07 3:45 am
I don't believe you. You most probably are lying.
2020-04-07 11:16 pm
Its the rapture, guess spelling the word "monastery" incorrectly kept you from being raptured.
2020-04-07 8:58 am
So, mommy finally unlocked the basement.
2020-04-07 6:25 am
Three months
and you never learned how to spell "monastery"?
2020-04-07 4:16 am
lolz and we still have 18 months to go, or a minimum of of thirty days aftrer lock downs are ordered

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:49:15
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