Is it true the corona virus has now killed 1/3 as many people as the flu virus in the U.S.?

2020-04-07 12:18 am

Thanks. Ryde On.  You are one of the few who actually answered the question asked.  Most answers were rants that didn’t address the question asked.  

回答 (42)

2020-04-07 12:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
Close to 40k dead from the seasonal flu in the US 2019 flu season . Wuhan flu 10k
2020-04-07 9:23 am
The flu deaths are an estimate and include pneumonia deaths, so we don't know. But if you are trying to downplay it, and say flu is worse, I suggest you go to New York and Italy with your message. But go first to the place you want to visit. Because they'll kill you, and it will be the last place you ever visit. I mean, anyone that says this is no worse than flu is some kind of lunatic. It is twice as contagious and ten times as deadly. It's only about three months old. That's why we can't let it become established. The flu is already established and we have a vaccine for it.  If Coronavirus becomes well established, we can expect two million deaths in the USA ALONE. 

So do what they say. Stay home.
2020-04-07 1:51 am
No, because there are no accurate numbers yet for deaths from flu A or B.
2020-04-07 12:22 am
More like 1/4.   The CDC estimates 24,000 - 63,000 flu deaths so far this season.   Coronavirus deaths are a bit over 10,000 so far.   
2020-04-07 5:10 am
The ratio is closer to 1/6.
2020-04-08 12:22 am
You realize the flu has been tracked for years and the coronavirus has only been killing people in the US since January?
2020-04-07 7:50 pm
I think its more than our estimate. Amount increase day by day. 
2020-04-07 11:15 pm
As of today the CDC says confirmed cases are 330,891 and that is ONLY the confirmed cases. Most doctors and the CDC have stated that many will have covid 19 and not even know they’ve even had had it. To date CDC mortality rate is 8,910 which leaves a 0.027% that doesn’t include all that are believed to have had covid 19! If you can scare the majority badly enough they will submit to almost anything out of fear! Repeating lies is the best way to keep the population in line.
2020-04-08 2:12 am
You realize the flu has been tracked for years and the coronavirus has only been killing people in the US since January?
2020-04-07 12:30 am
and it has infected white racist elites

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