What is 1 million a percentage of 7 billion? ?

2020-04-05 10:27 pm
At this current stage of the new coronavirus, Covid-19 virus on 6th April 2020 that there is just over 1 million people infected with the virus. So what is 1 million a percentage of 7 billion, globally what is the number as a decimal like 0. Something? 

I know 1 percent of 7billion is 70 million but what is 1 million to 7 billion 

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Thank you for reading & answering 

回答 (4)

2020-04-06 2:25 am
To find the percentage, divide the smaller number by the larger number. As you can see, the number infected is a very small percentage- about .01%-- even though 1 million sounds like a lot of people. Probably more than that were infected. Many cases are mild and people don't get tested. But so far, the percentages of infections and deaths are still pretty small. It's just that they're coming all at once instead of spread out over a year, the way flu deaths are. 
2020-04-06 12:50 am
1 million / 7 billion * 100
2020-04-05 10:32 pm




2020-04-06 3:09 am
1 percent of 7 billion is 70 million 
and 1 million is 1.429% of 7 billion.

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