Can anyone tell me why,Trumpcorruptards are making this deadly virus a "political issue", when it's a life/ death issue for the world?

2020-04-05 1:19 am

回答 (8)

2020-04-05 1:22 am
because whenever Trump is criticized he claims it's politically motivated, and not because he deserves the criticism.
2020-04-05 1:33 am
They still feel the need to defend Trump; even when he dismissed this deadly virus as simply the flu or a cold & caused the USA to be the most infected country on God's green earth.  His dumb decision has caused over 3,000 American lives.  He complained because NY continues to ask for more protection for their people, what a jackass.  Well, their may not be too many Americans to even think about who our POTUS will be, but I'm willing to bet it won't be Trump.  The worse POTUS in American history.  People all over the world are dying and Contrumptards are still touting Trump & blaming everyone else for his corruption & his inability to lead our country.  All of his mistakes are always on someone else's shoulder, never his. Stop defending Trump & lets try to figure out how we can all live past this deadly virus.  We need to stay home as much as we can, we know people will have to go out at some time or another, but be cautious.  THIS IS THE TIME WE NEED TO STOP THE DIVISION OF AMERICANS & STAND TOGETHER AS AMERICANS TO TRY TO GET THROUGH THIS PANDEMIC.  We don't need to fight each other, we need to help each other.  IT IS WHAT IT IS.
2020-04-05 1:22 am
Because Trump screwed up BIGLY.  When faced with Covid-19, South Korea listened to the experts and immediately started a massive test & trace campaign.  After 420,000 tests they found 9800 infected people and isolated them & their contacts.  So why didn't DJT do the same?  We had the same info as SK, why are we on the wrong track?  Because TRUMP.
2020-04-05 1:26 am
The liberal media made it a political issue. 
2020-04-05 1:23 am
It's both. The government, if that's what you call them has politicized the virus. I think they're somehow making money off it. It's become a life and death issue by Governors, Mayors and citizens, who Trump has turned his head away from.
2020-04-05 2:12 am
Lol pot met kettle...
2020-04-05 1:23 am
Maybe because they have heard the media promote it only as political.
2020-04-05 1:21 am
Can you name a time when the two parties didn't turn something that had nothing to do with politics into something to do with politics?

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