So how long do you think this coronavirus restrictions will last for? I am traveling this July and am concerned/worried. Please read?

2020-04-04 8:29 am
I leave July 4 get to Heathrow, London July 5. I am really hoping my trip won't be cancelled for me. I really care for my summer trip especially July is my favorite month in UK. I hope this coronavirus does not get worse. I heard some people mention they got an email from their airline saying we will refund you if traveling before May 31. I am flying British airways from USA to England this July and do you honestly think things will get better by July. I know if I flew April or May it does not look good at all but I am hoping July won't be bad. Please let me know what you highly think. I would appreciate very much. Thank you

回答 (10)

2020-04-04 3:55 pm
The restrictions will last until its safe to lift them and no longer.
2020-04-04 3:16 pm
No-one has any real idea. Here in Australia we are being warned to expect lockdown conditions to apply for maybe six months maybe more. I really don't know how we (including me) will cope with that.
I do know that my usual May and June holiday in SE Asia has had it and others of my friends, one talking his usual annual trip to the U.K. for June  and July, are expecting to wave goodbye to all of those as well.
I might point out that as retirees we have the time to take long holidays but are also most at risk of complications on contracting the (extremely contagious) virus.
2020-04-04 11:39 am
When do I think the restrictions will be lifted? They'll be lifted when they're lifted and not a day sooner or later.

The fact is, no one knows what will happen. No one knows how the coronavirus things will last. No government, no business, no medical expert, no one at all.
2020-04-04 10:04 am
Why does it matter how long some random person thinks it MIGHT LAST
If the Borders open and the flight is still operating you can go.

 I am really hoping my trip won't be  causing danger to other people.
Adding to the death toll
Compromising health care workers
endangering Air crews

 I am hoping July won't be bad. THE WORLD IS.

Trump just decided medical care teams in Canada do not deserve to have masks.
Curious what do the Canadian Nurses that staff Detroit's hospitals get to use?
Just a minor issue to the world but three thousand humans crossing into the US everyday to provide care think it is very important to them.

Enjoy your trip to UK and do not forget to send a Postcard describing your adventures to a retirement care home justifying your pleasure.
2020-04-04 9:21 am
Airlines are returning money to those leaving soonest. Then they will return June trips.  Then July.  Then August.  WHAT PART OF THIS DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?????? 
2020-04-05 1:24 am
No one really knows.  This is the kind of thing they have to play by ear.
2020-04-04 10:19 am
I'm sorry for those few rude comments. Idk what's wrong with people, you're just asking an honest question. But anyway, truth is, no one knows...It's a bit unlikely that traveling will be okay by then, but there's still a chance that it might be. Just wait and see (:
2020-04-04 10:40 pm
We are wintering as usual in Russia. Vacation usually ends in June. We look at August to return, but still are unsure of if and when. Likely, your UK trip will be OK. Keep your fingers crossed AND YOUR TOES!!
2020-04-04 8:47 am
im hoping it ends soon, i hate it myself
2020-04-04 8:34 am
Lock down will end in June

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