Animal Crossing New Horizon, I have a villager on my island who doesn't live here?

2020-04-03 7:05 am
I saw Diana a few days ago hanging out in Filbert's yard, I've never played an Animal Crossing game before so idk this a bug?  Diana was NEVER at my campsite, and I only bought 1 new plot of land for a house and Hopper moved in. Diana does NOT have a house on my Island, so why is she here? Did someone move out without my knowledge and Diana moved in? I'm so confused lol I don't mind cuz she's adorable but idk why she's been on my island if she doesn't have a house here. 

回答 (3)

2020-04-03 7:54 am
Squatters rights bro
2020-04-03 7:38 am
Be careful there, your Switch may have become sentient.
2020-04-03 7:18 am
Okay, so evict them.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:46:33
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