So how the carona virus affected your life?

2020-04-02 1:04 pm
Just wondering

回答 (5)

2020-04-02 1:06 pm
I have discovered how to spell coronavirus.
2020-04-02 1:07 pm
I've drastically cut down on snorting cocaine, due to the fact that my dealer is paranoid and skipped town. On the flip side, I'm jacking off more often
2020-04-02 1:20 pm
It shut down the entire economy and crashed
The stock market. It's hard to make money in
This situation.
2020-04-02 1:10 pm
I’m getting plenty of time to watch cam girls getting naked without having to pay anything. It’s like being at a strip club but also doing social distancing at the same time. 
2020-04-02 1:08 pm
It's affected my life more significantly than I would have expected. Firstly, I have an Etsy shop which has pretty come to a complete stop. I can no longer ship worldwide as most countries aren't accepting foreign mail. My sales have decreased immensely. Nobody wants to spend their money on stickers and novelty items, everyone is saving up for the unforeseen future. I'm 16 and living with my parents, and they have a small plumbing business. That has slowed down a lot too. My dad is going to apply to construction companies tomorrow to see if anyone will hire him for now, even if it's just a few shifts a week. In terms of my mental health, it's actually been beneficial for me in some ways. Online distance learning is much easier for me. I can sleep in, eat a full breakfast and more importantly, I don't get worn out by seven straight hours of social interaction. I love my family more than anyone else and I'm so glad I get to be with them all day.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:47:16
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