Have there any people that have recovered from coronavirus?

2020-04-02 11:43 am

回答 (40)

2020-04-02 3:49 pm
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Yes, many have recovered from the virus
2020-04-02 8:43 pm
Almost all people who get the virus recover from it.
2020-04-02 3:02 pm
Wait a second .. you're a level 6 yahoo user Nick, but too lazy to look it up on the internet ?
2020-04-02 3:37 pm
Yes, thousands survive.  Something like 98% of the people who get it survive.  Mostly it's the very old and very young who die. 
2020-04-02 7:51 pm
Only about 5% have died from it--so that means everyone else has recovered.
2020-04-03 12:54 pm
Many people have 
2020-04-03 9:34 pm
From the CDC website about people who’ve contracted COVID-19:

15% had to be hospitalized.
15% had little to no symptoms.
69% have flu-like symptoms.
Less than 1% have died.
2020-04-03 9:11 am
yes but they still have it in there system inside of them they are not cured at all think if it as a walking tube that could give it again
but some have got it again !
2020-04-03 7:12 am
Nany, many, many
2020-04-04 6:26 am
Yes I have so has my family
2020-04-04 5:19 am
Yes--and the numbers world-wide of those RECOVERING FORM COVID-19 ARE RISING.....sadly however, the LIBERAL BOUGHT global "press media" don't FOCUS on those recovering---and I DO think that there indeed is a ( anti-Trump ) political dynamic behind that.

And the global "press media" must now give HOPE to people world-wide and start FOCUSING on the numbers of people RECOVERING from COVID-19.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:33:43
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