Was it an act of war against the world when the Chinese Government chose to suppress the truth about coronavirus, killing tens of thousands?

2020-04-02 9:56 am

回答 (6)

2020-04-02 10:06 am
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Absolutely, and they will have to be held accountable at the right time.
2020-04-02 10:01 am
China wants lowered tariffs from the rest of the world and trade with China.  
2020-04-02 9:59 am
At this time I am giving China the benefit of the doubt and classifying it as Reckless Endangerment .
2020-04-02 9:59 am
Nope, it was authoritarianism at work. Nobody wants to give the boss bad news.
We had a similar problem here w/ Trump But, we have a free press and are lucky to have public servants like Dr. Fauci who forced the issue
2020-04-02 10:44 am
i would hope not
2020-04-02 9:59 am
The only person I remember calling the coronavirus a hoax was Dotard Trumpf. 

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:32:49
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