Media is reporting “More have now died from Corona Virus than in 9/11”,  why don’t they also report this for Influenza Deaths every year?

2020-04-01 10:48 pm
Around 30,000 die every flu season in the US alone, ten times the amount who died in 9/11

回答 (58)

2020-04-02 8:16 am
Around 15,000 to 20,000 die of flu every year in US. 100,000 don't die due to a President betting against his Intel and advisors that this coronavirus would fizzle out. They were reporting this because in NYC we have not have a flu or anything that was as big as the 9/11 deaths, but now thanks to the lardazz retard you folks elected we will have many more milestones to pass and tombstones to decorate.  
2020-04-02 2:29 am
True that.  And why don't they also report on the number of deaths each year from gun violence, which is far more frequent than deaths from COVID-19.
2020-04-02 11:05 pm
SIMPLE. Talking about the FLU doesn't boost RATINGS. 
2020-04-01 10:53 pm
here's a hint.... when you say "media," consider the outlets.... consider how they make their money....(which is probably in the billions)...

then try this... read the 'bullet point' headlines on those outlets and ask yourself this:

"Am I being given information to process, or am I being invited to experience a strong feeling?"

then understand what religious hucksters, political leaders and advertisers have known for centuries:  stir up strong emotions among the people and they will be more prone to buy whatever it is you're selling...
2020-04-02 6:21 pm
9/11 took place because Bush ignored warnings, refused to take precautions. Trump-a-dump also ignored warnings, refused to take reasonable precautions. Other people needlessly suffer each time. 
2020-04-02 8:50 pm
Because the truth does not serve their agenda.
2020-04-03 4:36 am
The media is supplying stories on the topic that interests us consumers.
2020-04-03 2:33 am
First of all, there is a vaccine every year for the flu strain that is expected to be most prevalent. Smart people get that vaccine every year. The people who don't get the vaccine are more likely to get sick and die. There is NO vaccine for Covid-19, making it a far greater public health threat. Also, all the major news networks (except CNN, I think) are based in New York City so the threat is greatest for them and they undoubtedly know people who are dealing with this disease. The top news executives (who determine what gets aired) have probably sent their families out of the city so they don't have to worry as much about them, even though they aren't supposed to do that.
2020-04-03 5:58 am
more in the hours a head
2020-04-03 1:04 am
coronavirus & 9-11 both operated by Mossad: They probably mean it....

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