Are you in favour of lockdown?

2020-04-01 8:16 pm

回答 (6)

2020-04-01 8:32 pm
Nope. It causes the economy to go kaboom. I'm in favour of strictly enforced social distancing. A lockdown should only be the very last resort.
2020-04-02 8:03 am
Yes, it's the right thing to do under the circumstances.
2020-04-02 2:08 am
we are in lockdown..............
2020-04-01 10:09 pm
Yes. Our numbers keep going up, but then again, a lockdown would mean a lot less jobs.
2020-04-01 8:27 pm
I'm in favor of people exercising common sense including not going out unless it's for an approved reason.
2020-04-01 8:18 pm
Nope ...........

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