COVID 19 mortality rate is around 1.6%. When the vaccine and treatments are available to the public how much will that percentage go down?

2020-04-01 7:25 am

回答 (10)

2020-04-01 5:40 pm
A vaccine lowers the transmission rate, not the mortality rate.

There aren't many treatments that do much against viruses. They're not like bacteria which are living cells that can be killed. The treatment for covid19 will continue to be just managing the symptoms as your immune system fights the virus.

A few months from now the mortality rate will go down from whatever huge percentage it is now to closer to that 1.6%. Not because better treatments will exist but because fewer sick people will be competing for the same limited number of treatments. And because most of the nurses will be back at work after having gotten sick and recovered.

By the time a vaccine is available, so many people will have caught covid19 that there will already be a substantial level of herd immunity.
2020-04-01 3:05 pm
The worldwide rate is 5% at the moment. The actual rate is something lower than that because many who are experiencing symptoms and staying at home have not been tested and may not be tested and so are not factored into the equation.

However, a very troubling number is that of the cases that have seen a resolution - either a recovery or a death, cases that are still active are not included - the death rate is 19%.

There may not be an effective vaccine until it's really too late to do much good except protect against this same strain in the future. It is too early to say what effect treatments may have. The anti-malarial drugs have shown to be beneficial in very limited use so far. No one knows what the final numbers will look like.

A week ago, the death rate in the US was 1.2%. Today it's 2%.
2020-04-01 7:45 am
Mortality rate is the percentage of people with the disease that die. 

A vaccine has nothing to do with mortality rate and everything to do with preventing people from getting the disease in the first place.

Rabies is pretty much always fatal.  And yet very few animals die from it in the USA and even fewer people.  Why?   Vaccine has the disease well-controlled.

No one actually knows what the C-19 mortality rate is because we don't know how many people have it and we don't know how many people have/haven't died from it who were never tested. 
2020-04-01 7:30 am
Nothing to do with Personal Finance.

We don't know yet.
2020-04-03 11:08 pm
The governments are changing many laws that created safety but delayed new medicines. Now it should take 2 months to invent medicines, instead of earlier 7 years. mortality rate may go down to .01% or less in my estimate.
2020-04-02 2:59 am
That vaccine won't be available for at least another year.  By then it will be too late.
2020-04-01 4:11 pm
To the same as the "regular" flu. 60,000/ 330 million.
2020-04-01 10:28 am
it will go down signifiganlty.
2020-04-01 7:52 am
Hopefully, the disease eradicates itself and there is no need for a vaccine.
- like the SARS vaccine that was able to be halted. 
2020-04-01 8:12 am
Depends how effective the treatments and the vaccine area.  Anything from 0 to 100%

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:38:29
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