Should the rest of the world go by Sweden's example of "do nothing" about the Coronavirus?

2020-04-01 6:16 am
Lockdown, what lockdown? Sweden's unusual response to coronavirus

回答 (30)

2020-04-01 6:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
go ahead.. die.
2020-04-01 6:34 am
Stockholm's public transport company SL says it saw passenger numbers fall by 50%
Gov't Guidelines : staying home if you're sick or elderly, washing your hands, and avoiding any non-essential travel, as well as working from home.
2020-04-01 12:57 pm
I am sure they are doing something. 
2020-04-02 12:32 am
Dump did nothing until it was already too late 
2020-04-01 6:25 am
Yes, thank God for Sweden.  
2020-04-01 6:33 am
No.  Because China's mission is to kill us Americans.
2020-04-02 1:00 am
The Swedes are screwed in every way possible. It started with mass immigration and will end in the Corona virus. Liberal lefty useless feckin politicians.
2020-04-01 6:18 am
This is all a lie, fake news, fake website, fake everything. You're just trying to get in between American liberals and thier obsession with Sweden Socialism?
2020-04-02 8:10 am
Why would you do nothing
2020-04-02 9:47 am
yes. this virus has already spread so much there is no way to stop it. It will be with us for the rest of our lives like the cold or flu unless a vaccine is effective, so we need to learn to live with it
2020-04-01 1:16 pm
It isn't applicable (or sane) in places with larger, diverse populations... which will have diverse immune systems.

So, if we're alright with all-out chaos then yeah... but if we want to hold this thing together even though it has never been by more than the thickness of a hair... I would say the effort is worth it.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:32:49
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