Period question!!! (please answer)?

2020-03-31 10:44 am
So my last period was December 22nd and it lasted 7 days. I started bleeding again the day i was suppose to have ovulated (which was 2 weeks after the period) and i had unprotected sex that same day. Actually right after the sex i started spotting. That lasted from January 8th through 15th. Not heavy just spotting. I took pregnancy tests but all negative. Around the time my periods are suppose to start i just have cramping but no blood. It is now almost April and no period. Anyone have a clue of what's happening???

回答 (1)

2020-03-31 1:38 pm
My sister in law was 5 months pregnant before she had a positive pregnancy test - even from a doctor.
The first confirmation of her pregnancy was a scan to see what the problem was that showed she was 5 months pregnant.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:04:29
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