9/11 happened under Bush. Coronavirus happening under Trump. Why do the most bad things happen when republicans have the white house?

2020-03-31 3:06 am

回答 (196)

2020-04-02 12:27 am
Most bad things happen under Democrats administrations. It is just that the media will not report it and people like you wont remember it.
2020-04-01 2:18 am
CoVid19 is a type of SARS. 

SARS also happened under Bush. 

Bad luck but seriously, the rest of the world just doesn't get along with Republicans. Americans under Republican Presidency are really obnoxious. Remember all the hate crimes surging after Trump took office and the tiki torches with "jews will no replace us" The worst of them came out under Trump
2020-03-31 1:11 pm
if bad things are going to happen they will do not assume american politics and the laws of nature have anything to do with each other.Men will always do bad things and diseases will always balance life.
2020-04-01 11:05 pm
Not sure.   Very bad depression under Jimmy Carter with long times for miles to get gas.   And, look at the Kennedy's.    And, look at Clinton scandal with Monica.
2020-04-01 1:57 pm
The Democrat Deep State does the dirty deeds.
2020-03-31 3:21 am
Neither happened, all of them a HOAX! /s
2020-03-31 3:07 am
God got annoyed at those two probably 
2020-03-31 4:40 am
that is a topic that gets one killed if asked to many things one is
best to stay out of it
2020-04-02 5:23 am
They work with the Illuminati and the NWO
2020-04-02 11:51 am
Oh **** and the drinking age was raised by Regan. But I do lean more to the right. But that’s the main issue the drinking age being waaaaaay to high.

收錄日期: 2021-05-02 11:21:35
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