2020-03-30 2:21 am

回答 (47)

2020-03-30 9:30 am
Whenever idiot politicians and mass media stop spreading hysteria.
2020-03-30 8:42 pm
When Trump is removed from office.
2020-03-30 9:01 am
The Covid-19 virus changes everything. This virus is mutating rapidly and that means it is unlikely we will ever have an effective vaccine. The infection rate is still growing exponentially, and that means we haven't reached a peak yet. Expect hospitals to be understaffed and over-extended. The next two months could make you feel like you're living in the apocalypse. You're best just staying put. 
2020-03-30 5:25 am
They will have to lift lockdown in a couple of weeks otherwise the economy will collapse and they can't have that.
2020-03-30 2:27 am
When everybody gets vaccinated against COVID-19, is my guess. 
2020-03-30 2:41 am
What is normal?
2020-03-30 5:35 pm
Maybe, normalish by Christmas...
2020-04-02 10:28 pm
Probably not for a YEAR. It will begin to get 'normal' slowly over the summer but we'll still have to 'social distance' ourselves until at least Christmas. THEN AGAIN.... 'social distancing' isn't a bad idea every FLU season. So it might become the NEW 'normal'. 
2020-04-02 9:39 am
Not for at least another 3 months. By then, the worst have happened and over and done with, and hopefully some coronavirus vaccine is in the works.
2020-03-30 6:27 am
Once I get back to progress anything else is not my issue their game has rules and so does mine 
參考: In it to win it easter sounds like it should

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:36:28
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